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Elementary Cellular Automaton

The elementary cellular automaton is a one-dimensional cellular automaton where a cell's new state is determined by the cell to the left, itself, and the cell to the right.

The rule field takes in an integer in 0-255, with each digit of the binary representation of the number representing the result of the binary representation of the number representing that state. This confusing representation is called the Wolfram Code.

Link to this automaton

#rule=22&setup_type=Center #rule=57&setup_type=Center #rule=73&setup_type=Center #rule=182&setup_type=Center #rule=110&setup_type=Right #rule=73&setup_type=Random #rule=105&setup_type=Random #rule=106&setup_type=Random #rule=168&setup_type=Random #rule=182&setup_type=Random #rule=184&setup_type=Random